Friday, August 15, 2014

More of Steve Bowers

Friday, August 8, 2014

12 Aug 2014 - Devil Pups Awards Night

Please join the Devil Pups of 2014, including Honor Pup Ivan Cataluna, for pizza and awards on Tuesday evening, August 12, at the Pizza Factory in St. George. 6:00 p.m.  Bill Toole will also have flyers available at tomorrow morning's MCL breakfast meeting.

Check out the flyer for the Pizza Factory Awards Night.  Pizza Factory makes the meal available to us for $8 per person which includes tip.

If you plan to attend, please let Donna know so the Pizza Factory can have enough food prepared.  Contact Donna at dtoole at sunrivertoday dot com. 

August Commandant's Message

The month of August is significant to us all. It was 4 August 1937, that Congress chartered the Marine Corps League. The PREAMBLE to the National By-Laws, reads:

In the name of the beneficent God of all, we who have honorably served or are now honorably serving our country in the United States Marine Corps, for the common good of this Nation, and all nations and people of the world, and in order that the fundamental rights and freedom of every person may be preserved, to foster interest in the affairs of the United States Marine Corps, to protect and advance the welfare of wounded and disabled Marines, FMF Corpsmen, and FMF Navy Chaplains and their dependents, and for the further purposes set forth hereinafter, do solemnly and firmly associate ourselves together in a non-profit corporation known as the "Marine Corps League" and order and establish these Bylaws.

During our Detachment meeting this month we will have the opportunity to review the membership of Fire Teams 3 and 4. This Program was developed by Steve Ikuta and has helped us all become more familiar with Detachment friends.

I believe this month the Detachment will surpass the number of 80 members. This is indeed a milestone that we can all share in. Most of the increase is due to individual efforts - finding the "one" to introduce to the Detachment. And once this is done, most members will step forward and introduce themselves to the potential new member. When the "recruit" sees for him/herself the positive interaction by all in attendance, they will want to share and become a part of the best veteran organization in St George. Continue to look after the sick and incapacitated members, as well as, their families.

I will be taking a vacation during the period 12 August to 17 September. During this period Les Covey will be at the helm.

D’Arcy Grisier, Commandant

Thursday, August 7, 2014

09 Aug 2014 - August Breakfast Meeting

August breakfast meeting at Elks Lodge
0830 buffet breakfast
0900 meeting