Sunday, January 31, 2016

Commandant's Corner - Feb. 2016

I have been informed that our National Headquarters is turning the corner in overcoming the administrative mess left by some ungrateful employees at the Headquarters level. We will know shortly if all our records coincide with theirs.

There is a current recruitment drive going on throughout the Marine Corps League and it will end in August 2016. The governing rules are as follows:

All new membership applications (going back to October 2015) will be placed in a drawing bin for a drawing at the next national convention for the following prizes:

First application drawn: $1000.00 will be awarded to the new member, as well as his/her sponsor.  Second application drawn: $500.00 will be awarded to the new member, as well as his/her sponsor.  Third and subsequent (up to ten) applications drawn: $100.00 will be awarded to the new member(s), as well as their sponsor(s).  Note: If the new member is a walk-in and there is no sponsor the Detachment will receive the sponsors prize.

Just as a matter of information it might be interesting to know who within Utah Dixie Detachment #1270 is in the pool to be considered. I will coordinate with Jon Hinz for this information and make it available at the next Detachment meeting.

Jim Haney is responsible for publishing the Membership Roster and he has always included the month and year members began their association with the Marine Corps League (not necessary the date a member may have started with the Utah Dixie Detachment #1270). It is referred to as the Start Date.  For those members who are not PLM's, that is the month that you are being asked to contribute your monthly dues ($25.00).  If you have not received a letter from National at the end of your anniversary month/year, take the initiative and contact Jon Hinz who could take your membership dues and process an application straight to National Headquarters for you.

Always be on the alert for potential candidates who espouse the standards required to become a member in good standing and would be an asset to our Detachment.  When in doubt check with the Adjutant.

Semper Fidelis!
D'Arcy E. Grisier

Friday, January 29, 2016

New Member Incentive

Please click the link above for recruitment information.  While recruiting involves ALL HANDS, Billion Johnston, Jr.  Vice Commandant, will continue to monitor the Recruitment Program for Utah Dixie Detachment #1270.  He will be assisted by Jon Hinz (the Membership Coordinator).  Together they will prepare a monthly announcement concerning new recruits and their sponsors.  The first report will be announced at the 13 February meeting and will include new members (by month) since last October.
Semper Fi!
D'Arcy E. Grisier, Commandant

Thursday, January 28, 2016

13 Feb Monthly Breakfast Meeting

Terri Kane, of Dixie Regional Medical Center will be the guest speaker for  Dixie Detachment 1270 Marine Corps League February meeting at the The Elks Lodge, Saturday February 13th.

She will be speaking regarding DRMC’s expansion project.  Spouses are invited to this meeting, 8:30 a.m. breakfast and the general meeting at 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

2015 Toys for Tots Successful

The Marines of Utah's Dixie Detachment 1270 have landed and the toys are well in hand.

The annual Toys for Tots drive concluded Thursday, December 24, 2015 with the distribution of nearly 14,000 toys and over 4,100 books in St. George and surrounding Southern Utah.  Last year over 13,000 toys were distributed to families. It is estimated that over 14,000 toys will be given to over 3,400 children.  This year is the 9th year the Toys for Tots program has been supported by the Utah Dixie Detachment #1270, Marine Corps League.

According to Rick Massey (Retired USMC GySgt) and Southern Utah Area Coordinator, besides the over 300 families in the Toys for Tots program, they also provide toys for 1,540 in the Coins for Kids program, 140 to the Learning Center, Switch Point, Dove Center, Arron Kimball Facility and the Children's Justice Center.

Marine Corps League members and many other volunteers contributed over 3,000 man hours to the program. Also, 120 businesses within Washington County support the program.  Once the toys are collected they are inventoried and set up in a “store format” so volunteers can take shopping carts (on loan) and fill the request. They are then checked for accuracy and bagged with the proper name and address and staged for distribution.

Then a few days before Christmas, trucks and cars line up and are filled to capacity for distribution to awaiting families. Every year the Marine Corps League and several volunteers delivers toys right up to December 24th and include Christmas Day. 

“Marines on duty 24/7”

Toys for Tots is an annual national program
supported by the Marine Corps Reserve
and Marine Corps League Detachments across the country. 
It began in 1947 in Los Angeles and went national
three years later in 1950.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The famous Utah Dixie Detachment

Bill Fortune reminds us to check out the photos and articles on our Utah Dixie Detachment in the current issue of Semper Fi! magazine - Pages 41 and 42.  Way to go, Marines!  And thanks to Bill Fortune for his PR talents.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dixie Direct Project

Saturday, January 9 is the date!  Bring with you to the monthly breakfast meeting your unsold Dixie Direct books or the money you have collected from sales.  Gene Rose will be looking to close out this fund raising project and would appreciate your assistance this Saturday.  Buffet breakfast at 0830 and meeting at 0900. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 Jan 5 Commandant's Corner

As we start the New Year may all Members of the Utah Dixie Detachment #1270, MCL be mindful of the many good things that were accomplished during 2015.  For the first time the membership reached 100 members; an informational memorandum was sent to ALL HANDS informing them of this fact. Included in the memorandum were the assignments made to many members. Along, I might add, were assignments of “assistants” wherever possible. This concept was first introduced to many of us years ago when we initially joined the Marine Corps – it is always wise to have a backup.  For those members who do not yet have an assignment, rest awhile and observe who is doing what and why. Your turn to accept an assignment may well be forthcoming.

Let me introduce the newest staff member: ERRICK DONALDSON who has accepted the assignment as Quartermaster.  Errick will be the Marine you will contact to purchase Marine Corps League uniform items. Errick will be working closely with Larry Mineer for the next couple of months.  He should be ready to solo within three months. (He more than likely will be looking for an assistant.)  Unfortunately, (or fortunately, really) there are more members than required assignments.  The reasons are valid, varied and acceptable. Nevertheless, whether you have a specific assignment or not, we encourage all members to take advantage of the reduced cost of the ceremonial uniform(s) items. Once obtained, members then become properly dressed to participate in parades and funerals. Remember we now have a trailer that has been decorated and prepared for many to ride (standing or sitting) in the parade(s).

If you have a question concerning the regulations or procedures of the Detachment just ask any Marine at the Saturday morning breakfast or seek out your Fire Team Leader for the answer.  May the year 2016 be our best year yet.

Semper Fidelis!
D'Arcy E. Grisier