I have been informed that our National Headquarters is turning
the corner in overcoming the administrative mess left by some ungrateful
employees at the Headquarters level. We will know shortly if all our records
coincide with theirs.
There is a current recruitment drive going on throughout the
Marine Corps League and it will end in August 2016. The governing rules are as
All new membership applications (going back to October 2015)
will be placed in a drawing bin for a drawing at the next national convention
for the following prizes:
First application drawn: $1000.00 will be awarded to the new
member, as well as his/her sponsor. Second
application drawn: $500.00 will be awarded to the new member, as well as
his/her sponsor. Third and subsequent
(up to ten) applications drawn: $100.00 will be awarded to the new member(s),
as well as their sponsor(s). Note: If
the new member is a walk-in and there is no sponsor the Detachment will receive
the sponsors prize.
Just as a matter of information it might be interesting to
know who within Utah Dixie Detachment #1270 is in the pool to be considered. I
will coordinate with Jon Hinz for this information and make it available at the
next Detachment meeting.
Jim Haney is responsible for publishing the Membership
Roster and he has always included the month and year members began their
association with the Marine Corps League (not necessary the date a member may
have started with the Utah Dixie Detachment #1270). It is referred to as the
Start Date. For those members who are
not PLM's, that is the month that you are being asked to contribute your
monthly dues ($25.00). If you have not
received a letter from National at the end of your anniversary month/year, take
the initiative and contact Jon Hinz who could take your membership dues and
process an application straight to National Headquarters for you.
Always be on the alert for potential candidates who espouse
the standards required to become a member in good standing and would be an
asset to our Detachment. When in doubt
check with the Adjutant.
Semper Fidelis!
D'Arcy E. Grisier