Sunday, March 22, 2020

Southern Utah Quarantine Support

Detachment Members:
In the face of most crises in America good people always float to the top. 10 days ago a group of folks here in Southern Utah got together, formed a Facebook page and invented "Southern Utah quarantine support." There are 75 runners as they call themselves who will go out to grocery stores or pharmacies to pick up supplies for anyone who is unable to do it themselves.
If you or someone you know needs a service like this here is the link to their website:


You can also find them on Facebook under the same title and put in requests to them there.  Or call 435 986-4114.  I hope everyone is doing fine and remember there is no detachment meeting in April. We will be going month to month in making that decision. The Elks lodge is closed to outside business anyway, so sit back, relax, and protect yourself and your family by not gathering too close! 
Semper Fi
Commandant Pat Lisi

Friday, March 20, 2020

Message from Commandant Lisi on Coronavirus

Members of the Utah Dixie Detachment:

This should come as no surprise, but I got a call today from the Elks Lodge. They are shut down to outside business until further notice.  Therefore, our April 11 detachment meeting is cancelled and so is our staff meeting April 2 at the American Legion. The staff can conduct business by email. I have informed our guests that were coming in on April 11, which included the Marines who won our scholarships this year. Norm will send checks out to the winners.

I have heard grumblings in the community about things shutting down when there are only 6 reported cases of the virus in all of Southern Utah. If you think about it, this is the perfect time to stay away from each other so that outside influences do not spread the virus here. One of the wisest decisions recently made was to cancel the upcoming marathon in Saint George. That shows great decision making and leadership by our mayor. Thank you, John Pike!

Since everything is month to month right now we must still work as if there is going to be a golf tournament June 13 as no one can predict the long or short term future. Please keep looking for foursomes, prizes and hole sponsors.

We are living in completely strange times as this sort of thing has never occurred in the United States of America. But remember, we are Marines and will do whatever it takes to get through this, even at great sacrifice. Take care of each other and your neighbors and lend a hand where and when you can.

Honor, Courage, Commitment - tenets to live by in these trying times. 

11 Apr 2020 Breakfast Meeting Canceled

Due to the Coronavirus, both the Elks Lodge where we hold our breakfast meetings and the American Legion Post 90 building, where we have staff meetings, are closed.  Meetings for April are canceled.  

Friday, March 6, 2020

14 Mar 2020 - Monthly Breakfast Meeting

Our guest speaker at the March 14 breakfast meeting is urologist Dr. Bryant Whiting.  He will talk about his specialty and about the new robotics surgical system at the hospital.  Dr. Whiting is one of very few surgeons trained to perform robotic surgeries in Southern Utah.  Also, Rick Massey will recap the 2019 Toys For Tots program and will let us know what to expect this year. 

0815 breakfast; 0900 meeting

If you have anything to donate for the silent auction at the scholarship awards banquet March 28, please bring them and see Gene Rose.  Tickets will be available, too.  They are $35.