Friday, March 1, 2013

2013 March Commandant's Message

Well, March is here - time for the snow birds to start packing.  It is also nice to see some warm weather.  February was a good month with only one funeral.  We had a number of members who showed up to give their support to the family.  We have moved the rifles to a location which makes it much easier to access the rifles. I hope to see some color guard drill very soon.

The elections for the Detachment staff are getting close.  So, if you are willing to serve on the staff you should contact Mike Ernsten.

The ball committee is already meeting so we will have another great event this year.  At the last meeting everyone voted to make a number of donations.  I am sure you all understand from the yearly dues the detachment only gets $3.00 per member.  It should be very clear that the money we are able to give does not come only from your dues.  The Dixie Book sales were down about twenty books this year. As I have said before, not only did most members fail to sell one book, they did not even buy one for themselves.  If you want to keep raising your hands to give money, it is time everyone starts helping to raise money.

Our golf tournament is set for June 1st at Sunriver Golf Course.  The course has been greatly improved this year and everyone will enjoy their round.  We are working to improve the eating area for the meal after the event.  We need everyone to find golfers, gifts to raffle and people to buy tee signs.  We will discuss the event at the meeting.  It is not fair to expect a few people to do all the work. The date will be on us very soon.

Jim Haney, Steve Handy and Bill Feeney have been working hard at the Elks Club to redo and improve the veteran display at the club.  The Elks are giving us some wall space inside the club to put up for display some detachment awards.

Our attendance is improving but, if you have sponsored someone who is not attending, you should contact them about attending.  We hope to have a speaker at the meeting.  I hope to see you all on March 9.

Carl Kulyk, Commandant