Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2013 April Commandant Message

Well, April is here.  It is time to nominate new officer’s to replace those ending their term.  Mike Ernsten, the one man nominating committee, seems to have some problem with finding people to fill the positions.  Here is your chance to step up and make the Detachment better.  It is important that we find the right people to do the job, so please attend the meeting.
The detachment handled three funerals in March.  I do appreciate the members who continue to attend and assist with the funerals.  We have lost another one of our members with the passing of Art Archambault.  The family has requested that we provide military honors for him.  The memorial service will be on April 8 at the Dixie Elks Lodge.  We will provide the time as soon as possible.  We need at least fourteen color guard members to do a full service.  If you are one and can attend, please contact Larry Mineer.  Since Art was a charter member of the Detachment, it would be nice if all members could attend.  You should wear our meeting uniform with cover. 
The committee, headed by Bill Feeney, for Detachment giving has recommended that we donate $500.00 to the Dixie Elks/City of Saint George to support a swim program for special needs persons. 

It has also been recommended that we donate $317.00 to the JROTC for one of their award programs which we have supported in the past.  You can provide your input at the meeting on these donations. 
Our second Marine Appreciation Day has been arraigned by Steve Handy. It will be held on May 18 at the Vernon Worthen Park in St. George.  He will have flyers with all the details at the next general meeting.  We have completed the Dixie Books sale this year.  We were able to raise more than $1,500.00 and this was with a lot of members not even buying a book for themselves.  I guess that I can understand why they don’t sell any when they can’t even sell themselves one. 
Based on the above, it is hard for me to try to get members to support our golf tournament.  But it is set for June 1 at Sun River.  I know how hard a few members work to try and make it successful.  It is our main fund raiser.  At the last general meeting, it was announced that there were flyers for the tournament and tee signs on the front table for you to take.  They were for you to try and find golfers and tee sign sponsors.  I saw only one person come up and take a flyer.  I guess you have no problem letting Clyde and Larry find the golfers and tee sign sponsors to make the tournament a success.  It would be nice if everyone at least tried to help.  We do need raffle prizes and I have no excuse that I can make for you if you can’t even try to obtain a few.  The flyers tell how we use the money we raise so all you have to do is give them out. You should plan on hearing a lot about the golf tournament in the next two months.
Steve Handy and Jim Haney, with Bill Feeney as supervisor-project manager and material provider, were able to redo the Veteran Display at the Dixie Elks Lodge.  If you are up there, you should check out the great job they did.
Terry Hansen was able to build a needed speaker’s podium at the veteran’s center.  Our members continue to serve the community.
I have received a report from Dennis Cory’s wife that his surgery on April 1 went well and they are hopeful that they were able to remove all the cancer.  They think he will be in the hospital about three days, and he is scheduled to be moved into a regular room on April 2.
I hope to see you all at the meeting on April 13.  If you sponsored someone and they are not attending meetings, please call and invite them to attend.

Carl Kulyk, Commandant