Saturday, October 11, 2014

2014 Nov Upcoming Events

Saturday November 1st 0850

Raise colors for the Clay Shooting event

Muster time is 0800 if you want breakfast; 0830 for practice

Uniform is ceremonial

Need 4 or 5 volunteers, plus bugler

Directions.....turn left at the cowboy shootout, right near the rifle range at Purgatory, go almost a mile on dirt road until you see large building out in the middle of no where.

Tuesday November 11th 0900

Sunriver Veterans Honor Park ceremonies

Raise colors and provide firing detail

Need at least 8 Marines for this event plus bugler and drummer

Muster time is 0830, uniform is ceremonial

Practice is the day before Monday the 10th 0900

Directions...come down main road into SunRiver, turn right on Big River Rd., it runs into park.

Tuesday November 11th Washington City Parade 1111 hours

This parade is short, only 6 or 7 blocks, should be able to make right after SunRiver ceremonies.

Muster time is 1030 in ceremonial uniform or... red polo shirts, cap, black trousers and shoes.

Location for start of parade is 300 East 300 North in Washington City, same starting point of all their parades. We can accommodate all League members on this one, especially Terry our drummer.

Let Larry Mineer know if you can make all three, or just which one.