Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Golf Tournament Sign-Ups


For those Marines who are not golfing we have been given an opportunity to do OUR part in supporting the biggest Detachment fundraiser of the year –OUR annual golf tournament.

                       SATURDAY             16 MAY

                       SUNRIVER GOLF COURSE

Here is OUR chance to sign up for something that will greatly assist the success of the tournament.

Here is OUR chance to participate even if we don't golf.

Here is OUR chance to be the face for the Detachment (while the golfers golf).

In the link above is a form to review and sign OUR names for as many duties as WE can accomplish.  (Some tasks require less than 15 minutes to complete but must be done and done correctly.)  A quick review will show a requirement to set up chairs at 0630. That task, while important, won't take long, SO, we can be expected to accomplish that mission plus others.  For example:  Setting out raffle prizes and/or assisting the Explorer Post, as well as handing out prizes after the tournament.
You get the picture.

If you have any questions about the duties, you can contact any of the golf committee members who will be able to answer your questions. Uniform will be the red shirts and black trousers/shorts. Garrison cap or any USMC cap.

Let's all who can participate be there.  Volunteers are needed.  Remember:

Be Available.

    Be Prepared.

          Be Involved.

Be There.

D'Arcy E. Grisier
Utah Dixie Detachment #1270