Wednesday, December 2, 2015

6 thru 10 Dec 2015 - Screening for Toys for Tots Recipients

I have received approval from the Red Cliffs Mall Manager Heather Cox, to conduct the Toys For Tots application process at the mall.  The screening will take place in the Red Cliffs Mall, north side near the food court, near Dillards. The mall will provide one table and four chairs.  As of this time, the following schedule will be initiated to accomplish our goals to screen all applicants to insure they are qualified. Toys For Tots applicants will be screened for the following three (3) items:

a. Proof of residency in the County - Rent/mortgage bill, utility, phone, etc.
b. Birth certificates on all children they are applying for. Birth certificates must be original or certified true copy.
c. Utah State Driver License or Utah State I.D.

As of this time, I have scheduled the following times with the Mall to conduct our Toys For Tots Screening Process:

Sunday -         12/06/15  1400-1730    2:00-5:30 pm

Tuesday -       12/08/15  1730-2100    5:30-9:00 pm

Wednesday - 12/09/15  1730-2100    5:30-9:00 pm

Thursday -      12/10/15  1730-2100    5:30-9:00 pm

One hour, two hour, or the whole shift would be great.
I will need help to screen the applicants for the above listed items. Marine Corps members or their spouses are more than welcome to help out.  Please send me an e-mail at ( and I will coordinate help for this screening endeavor.  
R/S Rick Massey  435-668-4813