Monday, April 8, 2019

2019 Apr 13 - Canines with a Cause

Marines:  Saturday April 13 is a very special Detachment meeting you won't want to miss!  Our guest speaker is Cathy King from Canines With a Cause:

Take a look at her website and you will appreciate how relevant "Canines" is to the world of military veterans.  Cathy will have at least 1 animal with her on Saturday and she may even bring a veteran along who has trained with a dog under the program.  Bring your spouses and have a good time learning about these terrific dogs.

After Cathy's presentation will be the installation of new officers.  Here are the candidates for the four elected positions once again:
Pat Lisi - Commandant
Scott McNeal - Sr. Vice Comm
Jon Hinz - Jr. Vice Comm
Gary Alls - Judge Advocate
We will hold an election and, if there is no one opposing or objecting to these four Marines, we will do the installation in April instead of waiting until the May meeting. .See you on April 13.  Breakfast at 0830, meeting starts at 0900 sharp.

Semper Fi Marines and Sailors
Pat Lisi.


Unknown said...

Great job always second to none . You make us proud , I am truly grateful for Who you you are ,and what you stand for . Semper Fidelis. Gunny Bernie