Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 2014 Commandant's Corner

The month of May is significant with the Utah Dixie Detachment. This is the month where changes in leadership positions will take place.  Voting will be held at the 10 May Meeting.  A number of Detachment members are involved to ensure that the Detachment continues to flow harmoniously. Some have additional assignments not shown but vital to the continued growth of the Detachment.

As you all know by now, we have scheduled our annual Dixie Detachment Golf Tournament, Saturday 14 June 2014, to be held at the Sky Mountain Golf Course (1030 North 2600 West, Hurricane, Ut 84737).  We desire that all members who are capable participate in the golf tournament with their friends.  We recognize that we have some members who do not golf but would like to help out in some manner.  If you are not playing, then start selling and/or accept a support role.  It would be extremely helpful if the majority of our Detachment was involved in doing whatever it takes to make this benefit the biggest "money maker" ever for the Detachment. Our goal: Play, Support, Sell and/or tell your friends. Remember: "It's not what you know or where you've been that counts, it's what you DO!

Semper Fi
D'Arcy E. Grisier,Commandant