Monday, June 1, 2015

June Commandant's Corner

As we reflect on the past month (May), I believe we all can agree it was a busy month, especially for the Golf Committee, chaired by Carl Kulyk.  His committee overcame many obstacles, some seen, some not.  I believe we had the largest group of golfers to attend a Detachment Golf Tournament.  Carl has agreed that to accomplish what he and his Committee did required many hands.  I would be remiss if I did not extend a special acknowledgment and congratulations (on Carl's behalf), to the number of members, as well as to their wives and husbands who went out of their way to lend a hand in assisting, wherever possible, in the this great effort.

We have other Committees who are now actively engaged, namely, the Birthday Ball Committee, Awards Committee and the Donation Committee.

The Birthday Ball Committee is chaired by Pat Lisi and they have selected a date to hold the Ball.  Guess what date it is – you are correct November 10th.  As we get closer to that date, additional Marines will have to step up and assist when called upon.

Les Covey is the Chairman for the Awards Committee.  They have been charged with ensuring that ALL members are in receipt of their Ribbons and Medals that they have earned while being in the Marine Corps League and have yet to receive them.  Marines are requested to complete the form that has been made available to them by the Committee.  For those that have not received the form, please check with Larry Mineer.

Gene Gregory chairs the Donation Committee.  His committee is quite pleased that they have now sponsored their first Scholarship recipient.  The award is scheduled to be presented at the July Detachment meeting.  Hopefully, in the near future the Detachment will be able to sponsor additional Scholarships for worthy candidates.

The Detachment also participated in observing Memorial Day at the Sun River’s Honor Park.  I received word from Larry that he was pleased with the turn out and participation.  Although he did mention there were one or two individuals in the ceremony who were a little slack.  Must have been those “other” guys.

I plan on representing Dixie Detachment #1270 at the Utah Department Marine Corps League Meeting which is being held in Sandy, Utah during the weekend of 6 -7 June.  Any and all Detachment members are invited to attend.  It is only a few hundred miles away.  Give me a call if you are interested.

D'Arcy E. Grisier