Saturday, February 8, 2020

Annual Golf Tournament Coming Up

WHAT:            Annual Golf Tournament

WHEN:           Saturday, June 13, 2020

WHERE:         Bloomington Country Club

Posted here are copies of our golf tournament application and poster.  Please help us make this tournament a huge success.  This is our biggest fund raiser of the year and it will take a village to make it a huge success.

If you would like copies of the professionally copied poster, I have some available.  These are suitable for merchants windows, counter tops, and bulletin boards.  They are printed on a nice card stock and look really great (thanks Bill Fortune for the creation).

If you have a bulletin board at a golf course you visit, please put our poster and applications up.  Churches, schools, warehouses, etc., have bulletin boards, so let's "litter" St. George with our information and get the word out.  Thank you for your support and help in publicizing our tournament.  Date is Saturday, June 13, 2020 at Bloomington Country Club in St. George.

One of our committee members may be tapping you on the shoulder and asking for your help, so please agree if you are able.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thanks everyone!

Michelle Gregory

Golf Tournament Chair